Saturday, April 4, 2009

Snow Day in March

Last Saturday, when we were supposed to wake up to the biggest snow storm in history, this is what outside looked like. I must say, a little disappointing. Especially for Wrigley because he loves the snow. He might love the snow more than Todd and I love Cadburry Creme Eggs, which is saying a lot. Needless to say, Wrigley had nothing to do, but sit by this bush in our backyard.

However, just a few short hours later, the weather started to turn a little colder...

And the next time we let Wrigley out, this is what our backyard looked like. Although he looks bored, Wrigley is absolutely pumped about the snow. :-)

Wrigley would have ran around outside ALL afternoon if we let him. I like Todd's action shot.

Wrigley ran around and around until finally he found his ball in the snow.

You really can't beat snow days. Especially when it happens on a Saturday and you really have nothing to do but snuggle up on the couch, drink hot chocolate and watch movies all day with a warm fire in the fireplace. I must admit, I especially liked our Christmas tree in the background. Yes! We still have a Christmas tree up, please don't judge us. But it's a smaller tree and more of a decorative tree. Right now, I'm calling it our Easter Tree because I've placed darling little egg ornaments on it, so there. It's ok, right? Whatever the case, snow days are amazing but I DO NOT want another one until next December. Seriously.