Monday, December 5, 2011

She's TWO!!

Or rather, she's been two since October 15th. Although nearly two months later, I realized I would be amiss if I didn't post about Josie's second birthday party. She had too much fun not to document it. Picking the theme was easy. Since she has been particularly obsessed with "Snow White", or as she calls it, "Heigh-ho" (and she's really more obsessed with the dwarfs vs the princess), there was really no question. It just had to be a Snow White theme.

Aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas and cousins made up this party. All 30+ of us. Josie was definitely in her element. Not because it was "her party", but because she was absolutely beside herself that all of these people were in her home at the same time. Talk about overload for this little one. As each new family member arrived, Josie provided a greeting at the door, which included a look of pure shock and excitement, while yelling their name at the top of her lungs, followed by a "come in!!!".  She's quite the little hostess.

The same little dwarf dolls my sisters and I played with when we were little made an appearance at this party.

Josie's princess cousins

When I look back at these pictures, my favorite part is seeing Josie (and all the other little ones) become progressively sweaty as the party wore on. That's definitely a sign of a well-thrown party, don't you think?

And since I'm taking time to document her party, I want to throw in a few developmental things at this point in time:

  • Although her vocabulary is growing so fast, Josie continues to speak her own language, one that I assume only she can understand, but something tells me that other two-year-olds (or even stuffed animals) might know it as well
  • Josie does not know her colors, she adamantly describes everything she sees as purple, blue or sometimes pink
  • Josie can jump and it's the cutest thing in the world to watch her gain about a half inch of air between her feet and the ground, while proudly proclaiming, "I jumping!"
  • She loves jewelry -- necklaces, bracelets, headbands, you name it, she'll be wearing at least 5 of them on each wrist and ankle
  • She loves cooking us dinner in the pretend kitchen, although sometimes she likes to it on the couch and have us make her pretend dinner 
  • There's nothing greater than an overflowing bathroom sink -- apparently it's the best time ever
  • She never meets a stranger
  • Josie loves, loves, loves her family -- seeing any member of her extended family on a particular day is the best thing ever -- even better than a treat (and if you know this girl at all, you KNOW how she loves her treats).
So there. That's where we are today. I've always heard that I will never remember the little things unless I write them down. So that's what I've done today. :-)